Mohawk Press

MCHS Girls Make a Splash


By Emma Garrett and Raina Leet, Freshmen

Even though they didn’t swim into victory on October 10th, the Mohawk Swimmers had a lot to celebrate. The last swim meet was senior night. Senior night is an annual tradition for the swimmers, and it’s used as a way to honor the seniors graduating in the coming spring. The seniors shared their highlights, memories, and good times with the crowd, and they get to enjoy their last swim meet as a team.

Lauren Dettmer was one of those seniors, and she had a lot of good things to say about the Mohawk girl’s swimming program. “I think Mason City has done a really good job of turning swimming into a team sport. Many people may say it’s an individual sport but we’re just so close, and so I think if people want to have a team or they can rely on each other they should definitely try swimming.” When Lauren graduates, she is planning on going to attend the University of St. Thomas to study business or pre-dentistry. And although she is leaving her swimming career behind, she is still sad to leave it. She loved the team, and saw her final season as a little bittersweet, knowing that she’s leaving it behind with traditions that will last for a long time and memories that will stick with her as well.

Natasha Orton was another senior on this year’s swim team. Not only was it her last season, but her first. Natasha “really liked the away meets. They were really fun because we were all just on the bus together and excited getting ready to go away for a meet. It was a lot of traveling time and we got back really late, but that was part of the fun of it. It was just a team thing to be on a bus for 2 hours going somewhere and then coming back excited. So I really liked that, and as far as swimming there was our second to last home meet, I PR’ed in everything that I swam and that was really cool.” Natasha also clarified that swimming not only caused her to have stronger arms and legs, but stronger lungs that benefit her in the pool and in the choir room.

Although everyone is sad to see the seniors go, the girl’s swimming team is guaranteed memories from all of their seniors. The Mason City High School senior girl’s swimmers definitely made a splash in the pool and at the high school!