Mohawk Press

MCHS Boys Track Hits the Ground Running

This season, the boys track team is ready for any challenges thrown at them. Coach Tyler Ketelsen knows that he has a team with a fantastic work ethic who will strive to represent the Mohawk name well. The team is especially large this year, and every one of them is competitive and excited to participate.

There are even more coaches to help out this season. Ketelsen’s main goal is to create a positive environment and experience for the athletes. The overall goal of the team is to work hard every day, and to become better each time they compete. Every individual athlete has their own goals as well, and during the season they will be working towards their own aspirations for themselves and the team.

The team has been practicing most days after school, working hard for their competitions. Their next event will be on Thursday, March 22nd at Waukee Stadium at 4:00 pm. Good luck to the team this season!

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