Mohawk Press

Welcome Back, MCHS!

Hello MCHS students! Welcome back sophomores, juniors, and seniors, and welcome freshman class of 2022! This is going to be an awesome school year; new staff members, fun clubs and sports, and even more opportunities for students. Mr. Hurst, Mr. Elsbury, Senora Buseman, Mrs. Haugebak, Mrs. Tinajero, and Mrs. Evans are the new staff members here at the high school, and the Mohawk Press will be doing teacher features on each of them in the following editions, so be looking for those articles soon!

Our athletic department has a lot of options for fall, winter, and spring sports. In the fall there is girl’s volleyball, boy’s football, girl’s and boy’s cross country, boy’s golf, fall cheerleading, and girl’s swimming. The winter season includes both girl’s and boy’s basketball, boy’s swimming, hockey, dance team, wrestling, winter cheerleading, and bowling. Finally, the spring brings girl’s and boy’s soccer, girl’s and boy’s tennis, track and field, trapshooting, and girl’s golf. I encourage you to try one sport out this school year. They are fun and they give you a chance to meet new people.

Not only are sports offered here at the high school, but there are multiple clubs and extracurricular activities as well. Art club, drama club, Mohawk Movement, Mohawk Press, Student Senate, Robotics, anime and video games club, chess and tennis club, Best Buddies, and many more all offer opportunities for students to get involved!

High school is a great time to find hobbies and invest in the ones you already have! I highly recommend doing at least one extracurricular activity this new school year as a way to “broaden your horizons,” as the saying goes. Have a great school year, make new friends, do new things! You got this! Make everyday your own, and stay positive. It’s going to be a great year! Go Mohawks!

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