Mohawk Press

Teacher Feature: Eric Butikofer

Mason City High School has had a new teacher on the block for a few months! Located in room 1410, Eric Butikofer teaches Foundations of Science to the freshman class. Butikofer has always loved science, as he said, “I have always been interested and enjoyed learning about science. In college, that interest and enjoyment of learning transformed into a desire to help others learn about science.” It was then that he chose to get a science education degree and work as a science teacher.

When asked why Mason City was the place for him to teach, he responded, “[The position] offered me an opportunity to not only teach science but to work with a wide range of students who are struggling with classes through the CRP [Credit Recovery] program as well.” Butikofer also coaches the school’s Academic Decathlon and Robotics teams.

Butikofer hopes that his classes will, “foster both an understanding and appreciation of science concepts related to Earth Science, Chemistry, and Physics.” He hopes that his students will, “take knowledge learned from this and other science classes and apply it to future coursework in science. Ultimately leading to an ability to apply science knowledge to everyday life situations.”

Just like many here at MCHS, Butikofer favorite part here is, “working with the staff and students.” To students, he advises that they, “Come to school each and every day, work hard all year long, learn from your mistakes, and make sure you take time to celebrate your accomplishments along the way.” Let’s give a warm welcome to Mr. Butikofer!

-Maya Jalukar, Freshman

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