Mohawk Press

Student Senate Makes Big Impact

Every Wednesday morning, the Student Senate meets in German teacher Ms. Laura Grommesh’s room, all to discuss making the school and community a better place. The efforts of the MCHS Student Senate are obvious with regards to Homecoming Week, but there is much more to their organization than just one week in the fall. Student Senate works year-round to accomplish amazing things.

One of the recent things the Senate accomplished was fundraising for the Christmas Cheer Fund. The Christmas Cheer Fund helps kids and families in need near the holiday season. Over the whole month of December, the group was working hard, fundraising with chain links, offering a childcare evening for parents to go holiday shopping, planning a pep rally, and so much more. In total, they raised over $300 in donations for the charity, gave the student body a fun cause to help with, and hosted a number of outstanding events.

As a Senate, they also work with the community and have events with other school’s Sentates and Councils. On Monday, January 15th, MCHS Student Senate will host the District Leadership Conference, inviting schools from around the area to grow as leaders in a conference hosted at Mason City High School. At this conference, different Senates get together to do fun activities, to get new ideas to incorporate into their schools, bond with their Senate, and meet new people who are as passionate about student leadership as themselves.

With all that the Student Senate does for the school, they deserve recognition for everything that they do. The Senate does so much, and they are going to do even more in the future.

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