Mohawk Press

Mr. Anderson Steps Into AD Role

After 11 years of working as the Mason City High School Activities Director, Mr. Bob Kenny has decided to pass his baton on to his successor, Mr. Barry Andersen.

Mr. Kenny has worked as the AD for 11 years at Mason City School, and he has had a significant impact throughout his tenure. As he leaves Mason City for retirement, he feels very excited that Mr. Andersen got the job. According to Mr. Kenny, Mr. Anderson knows everybody and knows the kids well, not to mention that he is a very well liked adult in the building. During his years as AD, Mr. Kenny’s favorite thing about his job do has been getting to know students. He has especially enjoyed going to the events and watching the students succeed.

Barry Andersen had been working at the high school as assistant principal for 8 years. When Mr. Kenny decided to retire, Mr. Andersen took a chance and applied for the position as AD. After being hired, he didn’t hesitate to shadow Mr. Kenny and learn the ropes of the job. Mr. Anderson has spent his spring going to soccer games and other events as both the present assistant principal and the future AD. He loves teaching and impacting students’ lives, “Every conversation that I have with a student has the potential to make a positive change in their life.” And, like Mr. Kenny, he enjoys watching students compete and perform at events. Mr. Andersen has always had a passion of being involved, once a very involved high school student himself. He played football, basketball, baseball, participated in track, and played musical instruments as well, and continued some of these endeavors in college and to this day he enjoys coaching and now, showing his support as the MCHS AD. Because of his involvement, it was a very clear-cut decision, “When Mr. Kenny made the decision to retire, it was an easy decision to make to apply for the job.”

Nick Trask, Head Basketball Coach, is very excited about Mr. Anderson’s new position. According to Trask, “Mr. Anderson will do a great job. He has the right vision to take us to the next level.” The Mohawk Press would like to congratulate Mr. Anderson on his new position and wish Mr. Kenney the best in his retirement.

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