Mohawk Press

MCHS Welcomes Dawn Guritz

I invite you to get to know Dawn Guritz, a teacher new to the Mason City High School community who has been brought here with a warm welcome from teachers, staff, and students. She is a Reading and Literacy teacher. When asked what brought her to MCHS, she had expressed concerns that her “last school’s chance of closing was high,” while also mentioning stresses about job security. Mrs. Guritz then added that “Mason City would have job longevity,” which would benefit her and her lovely family.

Mrs. Guritz and her husband, Jason, have known each other for twenty-two years, and have three children that they are proud to call their own, along with a ten year old black lab named Zeus. Her eldest daughter Mickee goes to college at Upper Iowa University, while the younger Kacee and Trevor attend West Fork Middle School.

After discussing family, I asked, “So what do you like so far about the high school?” Mrs. Guritz responded by explaining her ability to come to teach, while meeting a lot of neat kids and meeting new colleagues. She also commented that she was “enjoying the challenge of having more students,” a huge transition compared to the smaller class sizes that she had taught in the past, and how work never interfered with her personal life.

After that, we discussed her goals. “To really dive into the new curriculum, and to add her own personal twist to what is being taught so that it benefits the students the best in her classroom. I then touched on a personal note, asking her why she had picked a teaching career out of all the choices? Mrs. Guritz then explained how she had come from a family of teachers, and ever since she was young she had always wanted to teach and coach. I asked what she had learned over the years of her teaching job. She responded in a comical tone, saying “No matter where you go, kids are kids.” Mrs. Guritz also mentioned that “great plans can go awry”, and it’s important to be flexible with your life as you go along, but also stating that you must “learn to take a swing at things.”

My final question asked if she had any words of wisdom for us students of Mason City High School. She then shared that this time is “a time to branch out and try new things” while finding out what we do and don’t enjoy, and to find our passions and pursue them to the best of our ability. Mrs. Guritz also explained that “Academics are important, but you need to take time to be you, to put the books down along with phones, and find ways to de-stress”. After our Interview, I suddenly had a feeling that I had known Mrs. Guritz forever, and this interview was just a get together to catch up on a long lost friend.

– Caleb Lillquist (Soph.), MCHS

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