Mohawk Press

German Students Prepare for Trip Abroad

The Mason City German classes once again have the opportunity to explore Germany this summer. The latest of 13 trips that Frau Grommesh has taken since she started working in the district. Students have the opportunity to spend nearly 3 weeks, 19 days, in several German cities, learning about the culture and immersing themselves in new experiences. 21 students are going this time around.

They will spend time in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, a smaller city in southern Germany. Garmisch is the smallest city the students will spend time in as a group, and also offers chances to see some of the mountainous regions in southern. Germany. Garmisch hosted the Winter Olympics in 1936 and still has several Olympic structures open to the public. Munich was Germany’s original home of Oktoberfest, which is now celebrated in various places around the world. It is a cultural hub, combining centuries-old architecture with modern life. They will also spend time in Hamburg, Germany’s second largest city. The students are also each assigned a host family, who they stay with for 7 days to experience day-to-day German life.

When asked why this trip is important, Frau Grommesh said the trip is a good chance to “expose students to other worlds. Seeing another culture can teach students there is not always one way to do things.” There is a trip opportunity every other year in the German classes. Students who have taken 2 or more full years of German are eligible to take this trip.

It is a wonderful chance to experience a culture that most students would not get to see. The trip also provides a hands-on chance to practice the language. Daniel Stephenson, a sophomore who is going on the trip, says he is most excited to “have a chance to explore

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