Mohawk Press

First Day Jitters


The first day of school is always filled with mixed emotions. Feelings of anxiety, sadness, and excitement were widely felt by the student body. Everyone remembers their first day of school a little differently; everyone brings a different perspective.The Press wants to welcome students back for the 2017-2018 school year by sharing their thoughts of the first day. We interviewed a handful of students ranging from freshmen to seniors.

Students arrived back at MCHS to words of encouragement on every locker.

We first interviewed freshman Karla Lara and Lexis Campbell. When asked the question:  “What were you expecting on your first day of school?” Karla responded: “I was expecting bigger crowds, harder work, and I knew High School wasn’t going to be fun and games like John Adams. It’s a big change.” Lexis added: “ I initially thought that all the upperclassmen were gonna bully and push around the freshman, but once I got here I realized everyone just kinda keeps to themselves.” When asked “What do you like more about High School than Middle School?,” Karla responded “The lunch is way better, my teachers, Mohawk Pride,and having an actual study hall”.

We then interviewed sophomores David Johnson and Daniel Stephenson. The interview started with David. We first asked: “What were you feeling on your first day?” According to David, the first day was “sad, because I had to come back to school, but I was also excited for my new classes. Something different.” The Press then asked: “What’s different from being a sophomore from a freshman?” David replied “Now that I have a year of high school under my belt, I feel a lot more confident.” Our final question for David was: “ What advice do you have for incoming freshman?” He simply responded with  “It gets better.” The Press then approached Daniel. Danny had this to say about his first day: “ It was good, my classes are a lot easier this year with no AP courses.”

We also interviewed junior Justin Rowe. We asked about his first day. In a true upperclassmen response, Justin stated, “Freshmen are annoying.” We asked what was different about Junior year than last year? He replied: “Junior year is more hectic. I have more advanced courses and a full schedule, but I decided my future after high school this year and that feels pretty good.” We ended our interview asking Justin how it feels knowing next year is your last year of high school. He replied with “Time has just flown by”

The senior interviewed by The Press was Sophia Paulsen “What emotions were you feeling on your last first day?” According to Sophia “I felt very pleased that I didn’t have very many classes, and that I had more freedom…meaning I didn’t have to stay at school all day.” When asked what she would change looking back on your last 3 years of high school, Sophia replied “The only thing I would have changed was taking more NIACC classes junior year, because I only took one.” What advice do you have for underclassmen? “Take advantage of the NIACC classes offered. It’s a great way to get some college classes while still in school, and not having to pay for them.”

All in all, this school year looks very promising with new opportunities for everyone. The Press would like to thank all who were interviewed for their responses. We can’t wait to see what this year has to offer!