Mohawk Press

Farewell to the Class of 2017

The end of the school year is rapidly approaching in Mason City, and for MCHS Seniors, it means much more than just Summer Break. The Senior Students’ last day of high school classes will be Thursday, May 25. May 25 will also be the day of the Graduation March, where all Seniors will march through their former elementary schools dawned in cap and gown, as an MCHS student, one last time. The Senior Awards Assembly was held Tuesday, May 16, where scholarships were awarded and the MCHS male and female outstanding students, Andrew Zehr and Sydney Rottinghaus, were presented. The Commencement Ceremony will be held on Sunday, June 4, as a final goodbye, to all of our graduating seniors.

MCHS Senior Anna Godfrey will be attending the Art Institute of Chicago, for a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree with a major in Studio Art. According to Anna she would, “love to use art and film and music and other things to tell stories. That’s what I like to do, when something funny happens to me, I like to tell good stories.” She also stated that she has “a lot of memories of high school, most of them good, my favorite memories involve my friends, just hanging out with them, usually really late at night, we’re all really tired and jamming out to music, or we’re eating ice cream at midnight, or having dance parties in the parking lot after a band concert. Some of them involve mistakes, but those usually lead to funny stories too. The things I’m going to miss most about high school are all of my friends and the band and choir programs, they have a choir at the school I’m going to, but it’s just not going to be the same, and it’s really sad to think about the fact that half of the people I know now I’m never going to see again.”

No matter the details, almost any high school student could agree that the best moments of high school are some of the random ones spent with friends, the moments you didn’t expect, the moments that can never be repeated, whether they be midnight ice cream stops or parking lot dance parties, they are the moments you’ll never forget. Many MCHS Seniors have made those kind of memories right here, and many of them have been shared with the underclassmen that they leave behind, who will miss them dearly. This year’s yearbook theme was “The Lyrics of our Lives” , and one particular set of lyrics truly expresses the emotionnearly every Senior, and every underclassmen who will miss them is feeling at this time: I

The end of the school year is rapidly approaching in Mason City, and for MCHS Seniors, it means much more than just Summer Break. The Senior Students’ last day of high school classes will be Thursday, May 25. May 25 will also be the day of the Graduation March, where all Seniors will march through their former elementary schools dawned in cap and gown, as an MCHS student, one last time. The Senior Awards Assembly was held Tuesday, May 16, where scholarships were awarded and the MCHS male and female outstanding students, Andrew Zehr and Sydney Rottinghaus, were presented. The Commencement Ceremony will be held on Sunday, June 4, as a final goodbye, to all of our graduating seniors.

MCHS Senior Anna Godfrey will be attending the Art Institute of Chicago, for a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree with a major in Studio Art. According to Anna she would, “love to use art and film and music and other things to tell stories. That’s what I like to do, when something funny happens to me, I like to tell good stories.” She also stated that she has “a lot of memories of high school, most of them good, my favorite memories involve my friends, just hanging out with them, usually really late at night, we’re all really tired and jamming out to music, or we’re eating ice cream at midnight, or having dance parties in the parking lot after a band concert. Some of them involve mistakes, but those usually lead to funny stories too. The things I’m going to miss most about high school are all of my friends and the band and choir programs, they have a choir at the school I’m going to, but it’s just not going to be the same, and it’s really sad to think about the fact that half of the people I know now I’m never going to see again.”

No matter the details, almost any high school student could agree that the best moments of high school are some of the random ones spent with friends, the moments you didn’t expect, the moments that can never be repeated, whether they be midnight ice cream stops or parking lot dance parties, they are the moments you’ll never forget. Many MCHS Seniors have made those kind of memories right here, and many of them have been shared with

the underclassmen that they leave behind, who will miss them dearly. This year’s yearbook theme was “The Lyrics of our Lives” , and one particular set of lyrics truly expresses the emotion nearly every Senior, and every underclassmen who will miss them is feeling at this time: “It well may be that we will never meet again in this lifetime, so let me say before we part, so much of me is made of what I learned from you. You’ll be with me like a hand print on my heart. And now whatever way our stories end, I know you’ll have rewritten mine by being my friend…Who can say if I’ve been changed for the better?…I have been changed for good.” (“For Good,” Wicked).

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