Mohawk Press

Days in the Sun: Summer 2017 Recap

The Mohawk Press conducted a small survey to get a recap over the 2017-18 summer. The survey included freshman, sophomores, juniors, seniors and faculty.  From our results it seems most had a great summer, but did not want to return. Here is how some people spent their short summer break.

Mr. Read spent time at the beach with his family! Señora.Weiner took students to Spain this summer with Señora Cadena and Señora Berding.  It was amazing to see everyone speak Spanish they learned at MCHS.  Sam Sweagle went to a service project in Minneapolis for half a week with high schoolers from different cities. Mrs. Bruns spent three weeks backpacking Europe by herself and then started her master’s degree. Joey Daoud spent his summer “Wake surfing with the bros”.  Kayla Davis spent her break traveling for the majority of her summer: Colorado twice, Florida, and Spain. Although it was very hot, Spain was an outstanding vacation and one that she will never forget! “Thank you so much Señoras!”.

In total for our survey, The Press received 148 responses. 53 freshman, 5 sophomores, 21 juniors, 18 seniors, and 53 staff members. We asked the volunteers to rate their summer on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the best). Most respondents stated they had an amazing summer, rated a 10.  We also asked if the school was ready to return to school. The options were No! Where did my summer go?!, Yes! I missed this place!, or I am so tired I don’t know where I am. A whopping 45.3% was not prepared to return to school.  Another 27% said yes and  we’re definitely ready to tackle this year! Sadly 27.3% were too tired, and most likely filled out the survey half asleep.

All in all it looks as if though the school had a fantastic summer! Now it’s back to waking up early, and back to the books. The Press would like to wish everyone a successful 2017-18 school year. Good luck to everyone!

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