Mohawk Press

Academic Decathlon Competes at State

The MCHS Academic Decathlon team stepped up their game this year at the state tournament in Fort Dodge. The team earned 10 medals and 3 other awards compared to last year’s single medal. In their second year in a row at State, the team, led by Eric Butikofer, studied hard and came in 5th in the large school category.

The students took 6 tests, covering Art, Music, Science, Literature and Language, Math and Social Science. They also gave a 3 minute prepared speech, a 1 1/2 minute impromptu speech, and sat for an interview with adult volunteers. Two weeks before the competition, the students wrote a timed essay that was also factored into their score. Mason City competed against 11 other large schools, and 12 small schools were in attendance.

Mason City brought home 10 medals through all three separate grade point average groups. Henry Klatt received a bronze medal for his speech and a gold for his math score in the Scholastic GPA division. Sarah Dodd won a gold medal for her interview and a silver medal for her essay in the same division. Milo Dugan received gold for his interview in the Honors category. Nathan Elsbernd won a silver medal for his speech in the Honors category. Elise Obermire won a silver for speech and a bronze for math in the Varsity division. Jessica Orton won the bronze in Varsity for her interview. Spencer Wiebke won gold for his interview in Varsity. Overall, the team has had a great run. Congrats Mohawks!

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