Mohawk Press

Survey Response: What to Improve at MCHS

If you had the power to change one thing in MCHS, what would that one thing be? For some students that one change about MCHS would be to get rid of “Mohawk Motivation” Students say, rather than motivating them to be better students, it interferes with getting school work done and studying for tests. Mohawk Motivation Mondays is a new initiative the school has started. Every Monday, teachers explain how to be more successful during students’ Mohawk Pride Time. According to the students interviewed, it has not had the intended effect.

I continued to look for more answers and that’s when I came across the MCHS principal, Mr. Long. If he had the power to change one thing about Mason City high school what would it be. His response was to “ Broadcast all the positivity within Mason City high school and to show all the good things that the school has to offer”.

Even some teachers here at MCHS believe there can be a change. Mr. Vorba, a teacher at MCHS believes the one change to MCHS should be to “Change the attitude of those students that don’t realize the opportunities that are availables to them at MCHS. If they would bring an open mind to class and with a little work and effort anything can be accomplished.”

MCHS is a great place that provides students with many opportunities to be successful. However, it is important to acknowledge our weaknesses in order to improve as a whole.

-Eric Aldana, Sophomore

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