Mohawk Press

Be The Hero Of Your Own Life

Every single one of us have our own obstacles that we must overcome to reach our own successes in life. My own obstacle as of this moment would be my anxiety. I picture my anxiety as the antagonist in my life’s journey as I travel along onto my story of greatness and success. If anything, the only antagonists in our lives would have to be ourselves.

My mind can be my greatest ally, and my greatest enemy at times, yet with the help of my mentors and my positive mindset, I know for a fact that I will be able to control my anxiety to a point where I don’t have to allow it to affect me anymore. I believe that all of us are on our own separate and unique journey, just like all the fiction characters in movies and books that we seek for entertainment.

But the real challenge is how can we as individuals view ourselves as the knight in shining armor in our own life? How can we be the heroic, courageous, and the fearless figure we often see in fiction?

Here’s the simple answer: What are our gifts and passions in life?

Once you figure that out, you soon realize that you have been equipped with an ability that no one else can do like you, for you now have identified what makes you unique from everyone else. Life then, has a purpose, where you then create your own role to fulfill in this lifetime. Think of your gift or something that comes easily to you, like a superpower, ones like what superheroes have. Our goals as students is to flex and craft our superpower to make it the best it can possibly be and to choose a path in our lives that makes our special gifts and talents stand out from the rest.

Jim Carrey said “All you have to do is to find out what you can provide to people that they can’t do”. For the meaning of life is all about finding ways to use your gifts to influence others to reach their own successes in order to change the world around us. So Mohawks, what are your superpowers that will make you the hero of your life, while changing the ones of others around you in a positive way?

– Caleb Lillquist (Soph.), MCHS

One response to “Be The Hero Of Your Own Life”

  1. Dan Long says:

    Great piece that gives us all something to reflect on about ourselves. I am a true believer in the power of the positive mindset! Not only can this make a difference in each one of us, it is contagious for others! I encourage all Mohawks to embrace this idea!