Mohawk Press

Mohawk Special Olympians Bring Home the Gold

On Saturday, March 11, MCHS students went down to Iowa City to compete in the State competition for Special Olympics. We had students compete in dance, basketball, and bowling. These students, with the exception of the bowling team, showcased their talents in front of the entire student body at an assembly the day before the competition. Also, at the assembly the senior participants were awarded with Varsity letters for their contribution to Special Olympics.

One amazing part of Special Olympics is the choice to have an all-buddy team or have a unified team. The dance team chose to be a unified team, meaning students with and without intellectual disabilities took part. This is a great program and shows that all people, no matter what their ability, can work together and achieve a goal. The dance team members were, Morgan Willmann, Emily Lunning, Katie Lorence, Senai Lewerke, Sydney Sullivan, Natalie Lindsay, Bailey Erickson, Kamila Clark, Rachel Carpenter, Paige Gramowski, Lauren Lunning, Kayla Sherman, and Nadya Rosenberger. They took home the second place prize.

Our basketball teams, Mohawk Red and Mohawk Black, were all-buddy teams for their competition. The members of the Mohawk Red team were, Kaylin Katz, Will Finley, Chandler Ott, Kristina Tynan, and Josh Dempsey, and they earned a gold medal. The members of the Mohawk Black team were, Cain Eliason, Dalton Schaer, Tyler Bell, and Dalton LaCombe, and they earned a bronze medal.

And finally, our bowling participants were all buddies as well. These students were, Colton Kinseth, Justice Miller, Chris Bayer, Chandler Ott, and Will Finley. Colton and Justice both earned a gold medal, Chris and Chandler both earned a bronze medal, and Will earned the 5th place position in the competition.

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