Mohawk Press

Homecoming Friday


Whoooo’s ready for Mohawk Friday?,” Mr. Long yelled into the microphone as the students of Mason City High School yell and cheer with excitement. It’s safe to say that nothing is more exciting in high school than homecoming week, especially with the unique theme for it that the student senate had put together. This year for the 2016 Homecoming theme was,” There’s No Place Like Homecoming”, referring to the classic movie ,” The Wizard Of Oz”.

For this year’s assembly the members of the office dressed up as The Wizard Of OZ characters. Secretary Mrs. Murphy portrayed Dorothy, while Principal Mr. Long was the Scarecrow, Asst. Principal Mr. Arjes as the Tin Man, Asst. Principal Mr. Anderson as the Lion, IJAG Coordinator Mr. White from Munchin Land, and finally Secretary Mrs. Collins being the Wicked Witch of the west.

After the skits from the office, we were introduced to the grand marshall this year for homecoming which was awarded to Mugs, grandmother of senior Randy Davenport. Mugs is renowned for her appearance at almost any Mohawk event under the sky!

Shortly after introduction of The Grand Marshall, it was followed up by a Human Knot game where students from each grade made up teams to bind each other up and to be the first to untie each other from another. In the end, the Juniors won that one. It’s also important to mention that the the winner of the class floats were the Juniors, and for the hallway decorating, the winners were the Seniors.

After the final scores, the student senators then set up tables on the gym floor for a eating contest without using your hands, and instructed to when they finish, retrieve a ribbon laid on the floor back to a teacher. Mike Rowe’s group won that one, taking a win for the Sophomores! The court members then had to compete against one another at filling a pitcher full of confetti ( which the Witch is allergic to), while having their legs tied to their partner’s at the same time. To end it all, this year’s homecoming king was Ben Siglin, who said during his speech, “It’s OK to be exactly who you are, you’re perfect”, and our 2016 homecoming queen was Macey Burtness who said” Shout out to the cheer leaders and friends,GO MOHAWKS”! With all of this in mind, this year’s homecoming was a success that will kick-start the school year to a very good one and input the positive mindset that all Mohawk students need to have a another successful year at this wonderful place we call Mason City High School.

– Caleb Lillquist (Soph.), MCHS.


Lucas Deinhart (Jr.) tosses a giant inflated volleyball at Central Park in Mason City.

Mohawk Football is such a strange show. Right away, you can’t ignore that our team has fallen short of their targets for many years. Despite this, we still hold our heads high for the Mohawks, win or lose.

Homecoming was one of these losses. Despite a tough loss(Cedar Falls 14, Mason City 0), the stands were well and alive. There were no empty stands at halftime, and all of this for good reason: by the end of the night, we were 2-2. And you know what? For the Mohawks, that’s just fine. In the past two seasons, the Mohawks have one victory in the whole season. Two wins and two losses is a start. It’s the best the Mohawks have shown in a long  time, and it is without a doubt a sign of things to come.

– Waroon Jalukar (Jr.), MCHS.

One response to “Homecoming Friday”

  1. Cathy Burtness says:

    The 2016 homecoming queen was Macey, not Marcy Burtness.